Aperiodic Mechanical Metamaterials
Student research project by Cornelius Dormann
Metamaterials are artificial structures with properties that let them deform in a non-uniform way. The section of the metamaterial can be applied to facade, shading device, roof or many different building parts. The rotation happening in the material can be used for different purposes, as to create a locking system, a decorative element, a variable shading. Maybe do develop a floor that reacts differently to movement than to falling objects. This varying reaction to forces or varying stiffness of flexibility could be used in soft robotics. These can be applied to shockers and buffers either in automotives or in parts of buildings. Different applications could also be found in prosthetics and wearable tech. This article focuses on mechanical metamaterials produced using 3D printing and silicon casting.
Supervised by Bastian Wibranek
The project took place in SoSe 2017 and is part of the master students research model at DDU at TU Darmstadt.