In the RotoColumn project a new manufacturing process for geometrically complex concrete columns was developed. Through a gentle rotation of the concrete, hollow shapes with high quality concrete surfaces are created. The reduced amount of concrete required to produce the hollow bodies reduces hydrostatic pressure, thus enabling the use of lightweight, prestressed membranes as innovative and material-saving formwork.
The RotoColumn project is part of DDU's RotoForm research trajectory, in which concepts for modeling, simulation and fabrication of rotationally molded, individualized hollow concrete elements are being developed. Resource-saving and geometrically flexible formwork systems and industrial robots for rotoforming are used for this purpose.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Tessmann
Samim Mehdizadeh, DDU
Yvonne Machleid, DDU
Stefan Böhling, spannverbund GmbH
Thomas Engel, spannverbund GmbH
Jan Müller, spannverbund GmbH
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Knaack, ISMD
Philipp Amir Chhadeh, ISMD
Institute of Stuctural Mechanics and Design (ISMD)
This project is funded by the Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.