(re)modular_design by Leon Wietschorke proposes a modular system to expand the lifetime of timber products by creating a material storage, that functions as a shelter, consisting of modules that can be manufactured by hand. The connection interface of an advanced dovetail is thereby key to success as it guarantees stable connection between modules. This allows users to expand their material storage on their own and use the stored material when needed. The storage is thereby more than stacked wood: It affords an ever-changing architecture as the material flows from and to the structure. Resulting not only in a Gestalt change but also in changing patina as timber greys when aging. While the design provides structural redundancy, its minimal aggregation is derived from a topology optimization that is subsequently discretized to provide structural stability with the least amount of modules. (re)modular_design was designed with . WASP
Supervision: Prof. Oliver Tessmann and Bastian Wibranek