Precast Concerte Component 2.0 at the 3rd Symposium für Ingenieurbaukunst – Design for Construction 2021


On November 18, Oliver Tessman and Harald Kloft will present the project Precast Concerte Component 2.0 at the 3rd Symposium für Ingenieurbaukunst – Design for Construction 2021. The core topic of the third symposium #3_IngD4C is the question: How do we build circular?

The Precast Concerte Component 2.0 project is a joint project of the TU Darmstadt ((Fachgebiet Entwerfen und Nachhaltiges Bauen, Prof. Christoph Kuhn, Department of DDU/Prof. Oliver Tessmann), the TU Braunschweig/Institute of Structural Design, Prof. Harald Kloft, the company FARO Europe GmbH/Denis Wohlfeldt and Thing Technologies GmbH/Marc Gille.