New research project Precast Concrete Components 2.0
DDU is happy to announce a new research project in the field of computational design and circular economy: In the Precast Concrete Components 2.0 Project (PCC 2.0) an interdisciplinary team develops novel processes to reuse concrete components of obsolete buildings. The project aims at overcoming linear material flows within architectural construction and avoiding further exploitation of scarce resources. The team digitizes and disassembles buildings and transforms them into refurbished components: PCC 2.0 – Precast Concrete Components 2.0.
Institut für Tragwerksentwurf (ITE), TU Braunschweig,
Fachgebiet Entwerfen und Nachhaltiges Bauen (ENB), TU Darmstadt,
Digital Design Unit (DDU), TU Darmstadt
The research is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the funding programme „Ressourceneffiziente Kreislaufwirtschaft – Bauen und Mineralische Stoffkreisläufe (ReMin)”.